International Chinese Martial Arts Championship 2009
The Lohans participated in this event held at the Tuscany doing the lion dance for the opening ceremonies… Six black sashes as judges, plus nine competitors. All of them walked away with various medals and we are really proud of them. Plus at the Masters demonstration the Lohan School of Shaolin won the award for “Outstanding Sportsmanship” which our SiGung Steven Baugh accepted with pride.
The medal recipients were:
New Chuencharoenwon: Gold medal in women’s sparring.
Jason Ymson (Buddha Jay): Gold medal in Sanda (Chinese kick boxing – Heavy weight division).
Kathy (Kat) Corpus: Gold medal in Push hands, Bronze medal in Yang Tai Chi form, Silver medal in women’s northern form.
Ray Brown: Silver medal in Yang Tai Chi form, Bronze in Yang sword form.
Aaron Ortega: Bronze medal in Sanda (Chinese kickboxing – lightweight division).
Calum Sutton: Bronze medal in Mantis form (intermediate division).
Tara Tran: Silver medal in open hands forms (girls division), Gold medal in sparring (girls division).
Jet Sendel: Bronze medal open hand form, Silver medal in short weapons, Silver medal in Mantis form (intermediate division).
Jesse deChavez: Bronze medal in sparring (intermediate division), Silver medal in Hand forms (Teen division), Silver medal in Chinese sword fencing, Gold medal in staff (two man partner form), Gold medal in Mantis (intermediate division), Gold medal in short weapons form.